
Hi! This is Tapio and Rachel and we are full-time missionaries with Overland Missions. On this page you can find information about the vision and partner with us in reaching the uttermost parts of the world with the Gospel. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information.

Go and make disciples  of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you
Matt 28:19-20

You will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be My witnesses even
to the ends of the earth
Acts 1:8 

Jesus Christ


missionaries with overland missions

We are missionaries under the organization called Overland Missions. The vision of Overland Missions is to communicate the Gospel in remote places, with an emphasis on the new creation, in order to transform forgotten people, by making disciples and developing leaders. The strategy is to implement this vision through five on-going steps.

the steps

step 1: reconnaissance (recon)
pioneer remote areas in order to identify villages with limited or no Gospel presence

step 2: expeditions
evangelize unreached villages spearheading long term ministry

step 3: sector management
disciple new believers, identify potential leaders and identify felt-needs in order to bring humanitarian aid

step 4: indigenous leadership
train indigenous leaders to reach surrounding villages with the support of expeditions

step 5: sustainability
place equipped indigenous leaders to lead their people into sustainability both spiritually and physically

Working in the most remote parts of Angola

Our passion is to reach people for Christ in the far, uttermost and easily forgotten parts of the world as well as sustainably equip them in their God-given identity.

We are concentrating on the most remotes parts of Angola reaching out to the tribal people groups who have never even heard the name of Jesus resound in their ears.

connect with us


+358 44 972 1907

let's go

All of our general calling is to reach people with the wonderful news of Jesus Christ. We are also called to equip people in the knowledge of who we are as new creation as well as knowing how we can start to fulfill the call God has given us individually. That’s called discipleship.
Join me in this journey to reach the unreached parts of the nations and equip the people in their God-given identity.

By partnering financially you attach your faith with us in seeing unreached and forgotten traditional people groups of Angola being reached with the Gospel through pioneer work and discipleship.
You will be redirected to our Overland Missions Donate page
1. Click ‘Donate’
2. Select Recurring Donation for partnership or One Time Donation for special gift
If you are giving outside of USA or Canada write your country to the ‘State/Region/Province’ -section. Scroll all the way down of the drop-down menu to fill in the text.
* Please don’t use foreign alphabets
(ä, ö, ü, å…)
You will be redirected to PayPal donation page for Overland Missions
For partnership:
Click ‘Make this a monthly donation’
For special gifts:
 Please write to the note in PayPal (after log in) ‘Tapio and Rachel 3196′

* After finishing your transaction, please send us a message. We will then inform our office to redirect the transaction towards our work specifically.
Thank you!

recipient name:
Toivon Saattue Ry
account number:
FI43 4108 0013 1120 68


reference number:
1. For monthly partnership please make a recurring donation in your personal netbank (NordeaOsuuspankkiDanske BankHandelsbankenS-PankkiSäästöpankkiAktia)
2. Special / one-time gifts are registered by the name of an ‘annual donation’. 
There is NO obligation or any auto renew involved next year. It simply means you are counted to take into consideration to make a similar contribution the following year.

Money collection is organized by: Toivon Saattue Ry (3142350-8), info@toivonsaattue.fi. issued by National Police Board of Finland on 23.4.2021. Permit number RA/2021/513. The funds raised are used in Finland and abroad for activities and missionary work in accordance with the Christian faith: 1) The funds are used for teaching and charity work among Finns, people with a foreign background and other people and groups belonging to different language and age groups. 2) The funds cover the production of the Bible teaching literature, translation into different languages, printing costs, and the organization of teaching and study. 3) Funds are used to pay for the production and distribution of video and other audio-visual programs and for the rental and acquisition of equipment necessary for this activity, as well as for the creation and maintenance of Internet pages. 4) The funds can cover the costs of music, camps and other events, as well as the costs of renting space, teaching, etc. related to worship dance training. 5) With the funds people are enabled to do missionary work and help their neighbors at home and abroad, for example by paying salaries, operating expenses and travel expenses. More info: www.toivonsaattue.fi.